a bright future in a
future-proff business

Self-Employed Manufacturer's Agent (open market/territory)
About You
WHO You must be a Fearless GUN
WHAT You want UNRISTRICTED Earning Capability
You Want $150,000/pa as a minimum because you deserve it!
WHEN You Want it NoW!
You have a solid database / network to draw from.
WHERE Work Locally, across your State and in any other State across USA & Canada
HERM has the Number ONE (“#1”) selling material lift-conveyor for roofing and rooftop solar installation. The HERM Ultra lite250 is a go-anywhere portable, easy to transport and quick to set-up lift-conveyor. Since 2018, as a work-smart work-safe lift-conveyor, the HERM lift-conveyor has enabled contractors to expedite work, increase job-site productivity and reduce labor and installation cost by up to 70% … and proven to be industry game changer.
Growth Opportunities: At HERM, we believe in nurturing talent and promoting from within. Lead Your Own Team - locally, intrastate and or interstate!
Supportive Environment: Be part of a collaborative team that values your contributions > read "About Us: HERM People & Culture"
Incentives: Enjoy a Base Commission of 10%; Performance Bonus (aka Personal Best); and 401k options ... see guide below.
Apply NOW!
... if you’re ready to make an impact in 2 recession proof industries and be financially independent - send your resume and a brief cover letter to John (Founder & CEO): johnm@hermlogic.com

At HERM, we have 3 Customer Types.
I am wanting dynamic Sales / Manufacturers Reps' ...
[1] With Experience in selling to Contractors
in Roofing and Rooftop Solar!
[2] Wanting Equity in HERM and Uncapped Earnings!

The HERM Customer
Profit & Cost-conscious Contractors who understand "time is money" and want to expedite work, increase productivity and reduce labor and installation cost
Safety-conscious Contractors wanting to prioritize "work, health and safety" to eradicate downtime, thin margins and schedule delays
Ambitious Contractors wanting to grow and expand the business ... from a local business to a Statewide business, or in to a National Company
... if you are a sales gun who wants equity, high wages ... talk to me about Your Wants and Needs!
John C Müsster [UNSW, MBT]
Founder / CEO
HERM Logic LLC (USA) | HERM Logic Limited (HK)